Anti Fraud at winDaddy

One of the company’s activities is also to deal with fraudsters and rule breakers in general. In many ways, it is a good regulator of behavior within the website and mobile app. That said, it is important to remember that windaddy is committed to applying criminal and contractual penalties to anyone who commits an act. The main points that could be construed as fraud are:

  • Money laundering;
  • The use of the company’s services for commercial purposes;
  • Possession of data or payment money from other players;
  • Violation of certain established rules within the website and mobile app;
  • Access to the site by anyone under the age of 18.

For each infringement, penalties have been established, as stated. These can be either temporary or permanent. It is up to windaddy to decide in what circumstances one or the other applies.

Anti Fraud Policy

Liability for committing unlawful and fraudulent acts on the windaddy website and mobile app

The company is taking great care to regulate the behavior of the user and therefore the liability measures shall apply to punish and educate fraudsters peculiarly. The general list includes:

  • Delayed payment;
  • Imposition of financial penalties;
  • Restriction of access to certain functions of the company;
  • Full blocking of the personal profile.

If any of the above penalties have been applied to you in error, you may contact the support team to resolve the issue.

Liablilty for commiting unawful acts - windaddy